Chris Craft Crowne 25
This Chris Craft Crowne 25 has been known at Nauticus Yachting for over 5 years as a perfectly maintained seaworthy fast motor cruiser. Since 2019, in addition to punctual maintenance, numerous items on board have been renewed : windows, mattresses, navigation & audio systems, carpeting, heating and much more.
American Chris Craft has been producing fibreglass pleasure boats since 1955, this Crowne 25 testifies to the thoroughness the brand has always prioritised.
The luxurious finish and powerful 250hp V8 instead of the standard 200hp 6-cylinder engine set the Crowne 25 apart from the cheaper ‘Concept’ versions.
Engine and technical in very good condition, the neat and spacious interior, the hull shining like new and much more make this up-to-date Chris Craft cabin cruiser an affordable and exceptionally interesting offering.
More details, images and visit on board via Nauticus Yachting.